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Thursday 27 February 2014

Why You Should Join Vemma

Let Us Show You Why Vemma is the Perfect Financial Vehicle To Make Your Dreams A Reality. Learn How It Works.

Are you tired of working just to make someone else rich? The truth is, that unless you work for yourself, that’s exactly what you’re doing… working to make someone else rich. It doesn't sound like a great way to spend your life when you think about it that way. Do you want a more fulfilling and rewarding opportunity that allows you to set your own hours, work where you want, when you want and with whom you want. The Vemma business opportunity can help you create a better future for you and your family. Build a parallel revenue stream on the side of your current job, or start your own full-time business. The choice is yours and the opportunities are endless.

Quick Overview of The Vemma Business Opportunity

  • High Quality Products, (nutritional supplementshealthy energy drinksweight loss).
  • 100% empty-bottle money back guarantee on all products.
  • No pressure, don't have to sell-out your friends and family.
  • It will cost you about N15,000 a month to start your business. What other business could you possibly start with such a low monthly operating cost?
  • Not a "get-rich-quick" or pyramid scheme.
  • Work from home in your spare time.
  • Fun, rewarding and actually helps other people.
  • Vemma is a multi-million dollar company doing business in dozens of countries.
  • Official energy drink of the Phoenix Suns and the Charlotte Bobcats.
  • Fantastic support from others in the business.
  • You get all the tools you need to succeed, (website, training and materials).

Build Automatic Monthly Income

The Vemma compensation plan is one of the most exciting in the industry, with several bonuses targeted to help the newest Brand Partners become profitable quickly. Those bonuses, combined with your effort and desire, could have you earning in as short as two weeks from now! Our goal is to teach you how to take advantage of the opportunity to start your own business as fast as possible so that you can start earning residual income. Now is the time to take action and start building your future. 
To be a part of this great opportunity ,get started at http://www.liveyourdreamshow.vemma.com/


‎"In MLM, you can make money or you can make excuses, but you can't make both" - Jeff Roberti

At last Vemma is launching in Nigeria. Wouldn't you be at a huge advantage to be among the few that will start it up. These advantages include but are not limited to, building a huge downline and benefiting from free distributorship as well as a personal website to help grow your business.

 I knew there was lot of money to be made from this MLM business but i really had a problem figuring out which ones were good and which ones were bad. I tried out some in the past but i tell you none is as well structured as this VEMMA. VEMMA has a range of products that are relevant and highly marketable all of which are scientifically tested and proven to be healthy.
They have an excellent compensation plan and a business structure that is based on a binary system with matching bonuses and spillover and pays weekly. Vemma hasn’t missed a bonus run in the 5 years they’ve been in business. The company is in over 50 countries and each member gets a free state of the art, well-developed website that allows you to build your team in all those countries as they can join online and allows you to track your business and all your downlines online.

You can achieve tremendous success and earning above average to extraordinary incomes on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis! Whiles these incomes are not typical, and there's no guarantee you'll earn income as your results will be based on your individual efforts and a variety of others, it nice to know what's possible if you're ambitious, motivated, teachable, and coachable!

And the best part is, unlike many "old school" companies you've been involved with in the past or may currently be involved with where you have to build 7-20 teams to reach the top to create a big income, and have to wait until next month to get paid, with us you only have to build 2 teams and you can get paid WEEKLY!

Why work an "old school" program and have to work 3 1/2-10 times HARDER ,to make LESS, and then wait LONGER to get paid (next month) when you can work 3 1/2 to 10 times EASIER, make 10-100 times MORE money, and get paid FASTER (weekly) with us! Now that's called working smart!

But wait, there's more! While some companies reward you with furniture, a fridge, a trip, perhaps a new Hyundai or Toyota for reaching a top level of achievement, top achievers with us receive a new C-class Mercedes plus cash bonuses of $25,000-$375,000 USD! (That buys a lot of furniture, fridges, trips, even a few more cars!) Are you next?

For your information, VEMMA is am acronym for Vitamins, Essential Minerals,Mangosteen and Aloe. What is mangosteen exactly? Mangosteen (different from mangos) is a powerful superfruit from Southeast Asia. One of the things that makes mangosteen so good for you is that it contains lots of Xanthones, (these are very potent antioxidants). Your body uses Antioxidants to inhibit free radicals (unstable molecules in your body) from damaging our cells.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

“Introducing Africa’s #1 Hottest Moneymaking Opportunity!”

Featured in such leading business magazines and industry publications as Work at HomeSuccess, and Direct Selling News, and considered a global pioneer in the field of liquid, nutritional supplements and healthy beverages, VEMMA is a rapidly growing, 6 year old international division of New Vision, a 16 year old health and wellness giant founded by highly acclaimed entrepreneur and philanthropist B.K. Boreyko, which has generated over $1.5 billion in sales since 1995!

Most exciting, VEMMA has recently expanded into Africa, opening such countries as KenyaUgandaGhana, and South Africa, where it has generated record breaking numbers due to its introduction of VEMMA Mangosteen and Verve, 2 award winning breakthroughs which feature the world’s #1 superfruit, Mangosteen, recently named one of the top 5 superfoods for 2011!

Most impressive, VEMMA is one of the few companies of its kind with human clinical studies which prove its products work, and VEMMA’s line of innovative liquid nutritional products and healthy beverages is recommended by several of the world’s most well known and trusted physicians such as Dr. Mehmet Oz, a leading cardiologist, best selling author, and EMMY award winning host of “The Dr. Oz Show.”

Top distributors in the U.S. and more than 50 countries are earning up to $2 million a year and more after only 3-5 years with VEMMA’s innovative binary (2 team) pay plan with matching bonuses, and average people just like you who have pioneered VEMMA’s expansion into their respective countries in Africa are earning up to $1,000 or more in a single week within their first 90 days for building just 2 teams!

Every Body Deserves Great Health

When it comes to the nutritional needs of you and your family, there’s finally a single, ultra-premium, liquid formula that provides the vitamins, minerals and nutrients needed for optimal health.* Physician formulated and clinically studied, the Vemma formula is featured inside all of our wellness products to give you choices for superior nutrition that best fit your lifestyle.
My reasons for joining Vemma
1) Vemma Mission – Making a Positive Difference Starts With People Helping People. Our Mission is to help others by enhancing their well-being, and by offering an income stream to people who introduce others to a product line they believe in. I look forward working together with more like-minded friends and grow our Business in Vemma.
2) Vemma Nutrition Program® – Vemma provides a powerful liquid formula that makes it easy to get the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants we need to form a solid nutritional foundation. The picture below explains why Vemma Nutrition Program.
Vemma Sponge
4) Vemma Team Panacea – This is an expanding and dynamic team with Leaders working online and offline. Full marketing system and training are provided to all the members. You can get my personal and my Leaders coaching if you join under my team.
If you have decided to explore more from my blog about Vemma, Congratulations! You’re Just One Short Step Away From Launching Your Vemma Business… I look forward to see you at the TOP!