The Fall months seem to be one of the most popular times for people to start a home based business. As school starts and people get back into their normal routines, they are better able to focus on setting new goals and working towards the things they want most in life: more time with family and friends, flexible schedule to travel, residual income, no boss dictating when they can have time off or how much money they are worth and just more freedom in general.
According to Business from Home:
- A New Home Based Business is started every 12 seconds
- There are 38 million Home Based Businesses in the USA
- 70% of the Home Based Business succeed within 3 years versus 30% of regular business
- 44% of Home Based Business are started for under $5,000
- 70% of Americans would prefer to be self-employed
- $427 billion per year is made by Home Based Business
4 KEY COMPONENTS to Consider in a Home Based Business Opportunity:
1-PRODUCTS: The products and services need to be consumable and in demand. Take a look at the industry you are looking at and whether it is in a growing trend or not. The Wellness Industry for instance is growing at an exponential rate with the Healthy Energy Drinks and Weight Loss categories attracting people of all age groups.
- Take a closer look at the Wellness Industry Trends here.
- Watch our Wellness Product Review here.
- BMW Platinum Club Bonus
- Frenzy Bonus- bring in 3 people in a week for an extra $700 in your bank account!
4-TIMING: Is the company and home based business that you are looking at in growth mode? The reality is that a small percentage of companies get to what is known as 'hypergrowth'; exponential growth of the company month by month. Be sure that you look into the growth trends and success rates of the company and team you are joining. There has never been a better time to start a home based business. And the Time to join a Home based business with the record breaking A-Team is NOW! 4-7 year growth curve is happening Now! 125% growth in July. 68% Above last years sales. GET YOURSELF GOING!
Next, learn more about how to create success from home with the top home business and training available!
Courtesy of Shawn and Emily Stoik(make1kaday)
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