The main reason so many people are entering network marketing is that it fits the current marketing trends. If you haven't figured it out by now, the baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) are in control. Seventy-six million strong in the United States, and over a billion worldwide, the boomers have dictated what's hot, from baby food to fast food to minivans to SUVs. Now the boomers are looking for products that'll help them look and feel younger, and for ways to secure their financial future and enjoy more time freedom. Network marketing offers the answers.
Tired of the corporate rat race, many people are starting home businesses in record numbers. CNN reported that a new homebased business is started in the United States every 11 seconds. The home-business boom is the next big trend, and network marketing is one of the hottest home businesses available. It offers low start-up investment and monthly overhead, and entrepreneurs can start part-time, while still employed, and build the business to replace their current job income. Age, gender and race aren't barriers in network marketing; in fact, well over half of the success stories are women.
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