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Wednesday 9 April 2014

Meet Alex Morton – Vemma’s College Grad Millionaire

Alex Morton – Vemma’s College Grad Millionaire
Back in 2004, BK Boreyko founded Vemma as a health company. The original product was simply a liquid multivitamin, taken as a monthly supplement.
 Fast forward to 2010, and Vemma released a product called Verve Energy Drink. Verve was looking to tackle multi-billion dollar energy drink market. What is Verve’s advantage? Healthy.
 During this time period, Alex Morton was a typical Arizona State student. He didn’t have straight A’s, nor was he the quarterback of the football team. He claims that he’s always had an entrepreneurial spirit, and has an open mind.
“I got introduced to Vemma through one of my dad’s friends, Marty . It was one of the best decisions of my life,” recalls Alex.
Initially skeptical, Alex decided to pursue Vemma instead of a full-time job after graduating ASU. He saw that young people are connected via Facebook, Twitter, texting…and would love a healthy energy drink. Word of mouth advertising is powerful (if your friend recommends a movie, you’re way more likely to see it then any commercial can convince you to).
Alex Morton YPR
Alex Morton with his Vemma BMW
Alex Morton told 50 of his friends about Vemma; 10 showed up to an event, and 5 of them got on board.
Through hard work and the right timing, Verve started to explode across college campuses across the United States. Vemma is now open in over 60 countries.
As of December 2013, Alex Morton as a young man in his mid 20s is ‘Royal Ambassador’ in Vemma. According to Vemma’s compensation plan, that means over $60,000 each MONTH. How many college grads can grab their diploma and earn over a half million annually?
 Alex Morton says: we are trained to go to school, get a job, and work until retirement. Don’t go into debt, beg someone to hire you, and get told when to go on vacation.
 Now that Alex is a leader in Vemma, he started something called the YPR. The YPR stands for : Young People Revolution.
The YPR follows the philosophy that young people can be their small business and not trade their time for money (ie: job salary).
 If you’d like to follow in the footsteps of Alex Morton, consider looking into becoming a brand partner for Vemma.

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