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Tuesday 1 April 2014


You may be asking, What is Vemma?
Vemma, foremost, is a health and nutrition company. They offer weight loss, energy drink, and multivitamin products.
The company was founded in 2004 by BK Boreyko, in Arizona. BK has over 20 year experience in the industry, and created Vemma with this mission: to let people live healthier and financially free.
Originally, Vemma was simply a liquid multivitamin; throughout the years Vemma released healthy energy drinks, protein shakes, and weight loss supplements. In 2010, the health energy drink named Verve launched. Verve is unique, because it has one serving of the Vemma vitamin formula in each can, thus offering a refreshing alternate.
As of 2013, there are over 100,000 active customers who enjoy Vemma’s products.
Vemma Scottsdale Office
Vemma Corporate Office in Scottsdale, Arizona
Vemma gives two choices on how to purchase their products:
1) Customer – someone who purchases the product, for the love it it; over half of Vemma partners are simply customers
2) Brand Partner – someone who also, purchases the product, but can be paid for promotion and sharing it
Vemma is available in over 50 countries, throughout Europe, United States, Asian, Latin America, Australia, and more.

To be a part of this great opportunity ,get started at http://www.liveyourdreamsnow.nigeriamlmprelaunch.com/

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